Finding Rest In A Busy World
Good morning my friends!
As I read my devotional this morning I realize this is me! I’m sure it describes a lot of us today but thank God for his love and mercy. He understands our short comings and will help us in every way to become stronger and wiser in his Word. But God will not force Himself on us. We have to want Him enough to take the time to get personal with Him and make it a priority. Oddly enough I have learned this from my 14-year-old son. He literally freaks out if he has not read and studied his Bible every single day. He will immediately stop everything he is doing when it hits him that he missed it when he woke up that day. He has pure devotion on a daily basis to read and learn more about his Savior. I could not imagine being like this at age 14. This young man was literally changed by a personal experience with God early in his life and he truly believes that he is nothing without the grace, mercy and the love of God. You can tell by being around him for a just few minutes that something is different about him. I also realize that I cannot take the credit, his dad cannot take the credit or even his siblings. Only our precious Lord and Savior gets the glory and honor for that. So what will you choose to make your priority today? I pray this devotional reading touches you like it did me today!
Finding Rest in a Busy World
We’re a culture that glorifies busy. It’s a mantle we wear with pride. When someone asks us how we’re doing, we respond with a “I’m good, but crazy busy.”
We seem to derive our value from asserting that we’re just so much busier than the next person. Our over packed, overwhelmed schedules actually give us a sense of pride, even a sense of identity.
When the fast food chain Chick Fil A decided that it would stay closed on Sundays, everyone was shocked. Sunday was the day that fast food restaurants made the most money. Today, the company generates more revenue per restaurant than any other fast-food chain in the US, and it's only open six days a week.
God honors us when we honor Him with our time.
If you and I are too busy for prayer, then we are simply too busy. If we are too busy to read the Bible, then we are simply too busy.
Maybe you and I should reorder our priorities so we make time for the things that are important and not merely what’s urgent.
Lean In.
Gracious God, I marvel at the fact that You’re never too busy for me. Scripture says that Your ear is inclined toward me. Help me realize that being too busy to spend time with You actually depletes me and drains me of life and energy. Help me, Father, to always prioritize time with you. Amen.
“Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:22-24 KJV