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Reaching Out To A World In Need

Restoration Life Church is committed to the cause of Christ. There is no greater indication of a church's love for Christ than the love that they express toward those that they are not associated with. At RLC, we strive to spread the love of Christ to as many people as we can and not only help their physical needs, but hopefully, their spiritual ones too.

Community outreach is one of the most thankless of jobs, and also one of the most rewarding. By cleaning a street, providing lawn care for the elderly, disaster relief, cooking for a group or family in need, we prove that the love of God is not constrained by the four walls of our church, but only by our willingness to be available to those around us.


Nothing says outreach quite like teaching someone the Word of God. Individual and group Bible studies to those who are hungry for God can prove to be the thing that builds trust and relationships that last an eternity.


Few there are in our world that deserve more recognition than our first responders. Whether it be our police department, fire department, EMS or military service members, we never go wrong by taking the time and energy to help these brave people in any way we can.

First Responders

Jesus said to suffer the little children. We live in a nation where 1 in 6 children now have autism and another 1 in 6 children suffer from some type of malnutrition. There are so many opportunities to reach out to our kids. By providing school supplies, meals, or sometimes simply fun and games, we are impacting their world in ways we will only understand on the other side of glory.


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