Don’t Stay in the Poor Me Corner!
When you’re stuck in the house for various reasons, there is a sly visitor who comes around. He doesn’t bother you too much when your health is good and the car is running OK, and the house is clean, and you are busy with life. But, when you have a health setback, when your spouse is struggling with his or her health problems, when the car is on the fritz, and you have to make a huge effort just to fix a meal or keep up with laundry, that’s when Mr. Wonder What You Did Wrong That God Doesn’t Love You Anymore comes to visit.

He is such a sly character. He’ll be in the door before you even realize you opened it. He’ll take a seat and look around, and before you know what he’s about, he’ll start pointing out all the things that are wrong in your world. Everything he mentions may be true: there are cobwebs in the corner that you can’t reach, there are dust bunnies and muddy 🐾 on the kitchen floor, and a basket of laundry that needs to be put away. But, it’s the spin he puts on it that is the lie. He tries to make you think that nothing in your world will ever be right again, that you will always be sick, that even God himself is sitting up in heaven on his throne frowning at you!
And I won’t kid you. That has worked on me in the past. I have been fooled by his lies before. I have spent time in the “poor me” corner. I have felt that things will never be right for me again.
However, if you have truly been filled with the Holy Spirit, if you have hidden His Word in your heart, then you know that you have to listen for that still, small Voice that will come to you when you manage to tune out all the other chatter. That Voice will speak peace to your heart. It will assure you that you are loved, that you are not forgotten, and that He will never leave you to face the enemy on your own. Lean on Him in your weakest moments, and before too long, your spirit will gain strength and you’ll be soaring once again!